How do I fix a permission problem?

If the bot is saying "I was not able to respond to you in #channel because of a permission problem," there are a few potential solutions.

First up, know that !sim and !raidbots will be deprecated in August 2022 because of changes that Discord is making. You should migrate to using /sim or @Raidbots.

Kick and Re-invite the Raidbots Discord bot to your server

Kicking the bot and re-inviting is the first and most important step toclear up any permissions problems. This may also get the /sim command working if it was not working.

Make sure you use the link from this support article as it is the most up-to-date and will correctly set permissions: Invite the Raidbots Discord bot to your server

Make sure that a specific channel is not blocking required permissions

If kicking and re-inviting the bot does not work, you may have a channel-specific permission block. You'll need to remove this to ensure the bot will correctly.

Check the channel settings:

Go to Permissions

Go through each role that the bot has, including @everyone

Check for any permissions that are BLOCKED

Change the permission to the slash or the checkmark.

You may also need to check the parent category for any synced permissions.

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