Why Isn't My Spec Supported?

Under the hood, Raidbots uses SimulationCraft (SimC) to run sims for your character. SimC is an open source project developed by volunteers and tends to strongly focus on damage dealing. Healing and tanking specs are often unsupported/unmaintained and so if your character is in one of those specs, it may not be possible to sim them on Raidbots.

Some healing and tanking specs are sometimes maintained but it's important to note that they are only simming DPS. It's also possible that a healing spec might have a DPS rotation implemented for one expansion but then it may become unmaintained for the next expansion. Party/raid healing is not simulated/quantified at all and survival/tanking metrics are generally unreliable.

Raidbots does not provide any real-world guidance or recommendation for healing specs! For useful healing info, check class/spec guides (Wowhead, Icy Veins, class websites), class Discords, or online tools that focus on healers (e.g., QELive).

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